Antibullying week 2023

Home >Events >Antibullying week 2023

A safe environment and the security of our students is our priority. We educate students from the earliest years how important it is to be good to their friends and to care about their feelings.

To spread awareness about the fight against violence, we organized a week dedicated to this topic.

During the anti-violence week, students and teachers worked together on different activities aimed at informing, educating, and encouraging discussion about the problem of violence and bullying. Through workshops, lectures, and group discussions, students had the opportunity to consider different aspects of this problem and to develop strategies to fight against it.

Through the activities we carried out, we managed to raise awareness about the problem of peer violence and to promote the importance of empathy, understanding, and companionship.

Violence is never the answer!

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    Hobiji i ostala interesovanja deteta

    Moje dete (čekirajte kvadratić ako važe sledeće izjave):

    Može da drži olovku / hemijsku / makazeZna da izbroji do 10 (da izgovori)Ima dobru koordinaciju (hodanje, trčanje, skakanje, penjanje)

    Pravilno drži posuđePrijateljski je nastrojeno prema novim ljudima

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      Child's details:




      My Child's Hobbies and Interests

      My Child (tick the box if it appllies):

      Can hold a pencil/pen/scissiorsKnows numbers to 10 (speaking)Has good coordination (walking, running, hopping, climbing)

      Holds utensils properlyIs friendly towards new people

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