Online Brook Hill International School

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Online learning is the future of education!

Online learning is the future of education! Brook Hill International School is providing a complete online schooling system for your child. Online learning is a form of distance education which takes place over the internet and it is a great fit for those who can't accommodate a traditional educational environment. Online learning is an intentionally designed program in advance to be delivered fully online.

Key benefits of online learning
compared to the regular schooling system are:


Flexibility and self-paced learning


Better time management


More convenient/bring education right to your home


Allows you to study even if you live in a different city or different country


Gaining new technical skills


Creating your own customized learning environment

Our online learning program includes:


The study pack

After enrolling in our online learning program, your child will be provided with the course Study Pack, which includes everything they need in order to start studying right away. E-books, textbooks, video materials, useful links and other materials are included in the study pack. You don't have to worry about anything, we have covered everything for you.



Every child will have a tutor assigned who is there to help you choose the best subjects for your child and ensure that the schooling process runs smoothly. The tutor is there to answer any queries you or your child may have, to support and guide your child through the online schooling, making sure that the level, structure, mode of instructions and pace of lessons meet the student's individual needs.



Your child will have a specialist teacher for each subject, who will provide you with the study plan for their subject. Teachers will reach out to see how things are progressing and where the child needs help. The teacher is there to assist and adapt lessons for the student's interests, matching the tasks and processes to the student's abilities and needs.



Our online learning program includes regular assessments done by the teachers to monitor each student's progress. From years 3-9, students sit Cambridge progression tests towards the end the year in English, Maths and Science, as well as assessments in their other subjects. At the end of Year 6 and 9, students have the opportunity to sit Cambridge Checkpoint examinations, again in English, Maths and Science. At the end of Year 11, students sit their iGCSE examinations. In Years 12 and 13, students sit their AS and A level examinations, respectively. For the Cambridge Checkpoints, iGCSE, AS and A Level examinations, students must sit these examinations in person. Through doing the assessments in person, as per the Cambridge guidelines, students have the opportunity to graduate with the same certificates they would if they were studying in person.

Online education tailored for your child’s every need

Make sure your child gets the best start to their educational journey by enrolling in our online program

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    Hobiji i ostala interesovanja deteta

    Moje dete (čekirajte kvadratić ako važe sledeće izjave):

    Može da drži olovku / hemijsku / makazeZna da izbroji do 10 (da izgovori)Ima dobru koordinaciju (hodanje, trčanje, skakanje, penjanje)

    Pravilno drži posuđePrijateljski je nastrojeno prema novim ljudima

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      Child's details:




      My Child's Hobbies and Interests

      My Child (tick the box if it appllies):

      Can hold a pencil/pen/scissiorsKnows numbers to 10 (speaking)Has good coordination (walking, running, hopping, climbing)

      Holds utensils properlyIs friendly towards new people

      How did you hear about us?

      InstagramFacebook PageGoogle SearchRecommendation from a Friend/current/previous ParentOther