
Home >Covid-19

Safety and prevention plan

It is important that we all work together to help prevent the spread of the virus and stay safe in school

Physical distancing

  • Maintain a safe distance (classrooms, cafeteria, hallways, anywhere on school grounds)
  • Use a queuing system for lunch and listen to the teacher on duty
  • Avoid touching

What should I do if I feel unwell?

  • Stay home if you have any symptoms of
    • Fever
    • Cough
    • Shortness of breath
    • Loss of taste and/or smell
    • Chills
    • Sore throat
    • Runny nose
    • Headache
    • Muscle ache
    • Gastrointestinal symptoms
  • You can join the online lesson instead!
  • If you start to feel unwell at school, report to your teacher / the office immediately
  • School staff will check your temperature daily before you enter the building and if you have a high temperature, your parents will be called to collect you

Practicing good hygiene

  • Wash hands often and at key moments (as you enter the building, before and after lunch, after sports etc.) – there is guidance on how to wash your hands in every bathroom
  • Use hand sanitizer – every floor has a bottle and every office
  • Avoid touching your face
  • Avoid contact with people who are sick
  • Stay home when you are sick
  • Cover coughs and sneezes – catch it, bin it, kill it

Safety in the classroom

  • Your teacher will use the disinfectant spray in each class to sanitize your desk at regular intervals
  • Do not move the position of tables or chairs. Sit where your teacher tells you to
  • Do not switch on the A.C.
  • Where possible, make sure windows are open
  • Avoid moving around when you don’t have to (don’t get up to sharpen your pencil)

Personal protective equipment

  • Face masks are mandatory – please bring from home
  • Put your mask on before you enter the school grounds
  • Wear face mask outdoors when not possible to maintain a 2.0 m distance from others
  • Wear face mask indoors when other people are present
  • You may take off your mask if you are seated at your desk listening to your teacher. If you want to talk, ask a question or get up, you need to put your mask back on

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    Hobiji i ostala interesovanja deteta

    Moje dete (čekirajte kvadratić ako važe sledeće izjave):

    Može da drži olovku / hemijsku / makazeZna da izbroji do 10 (da izgovori)Ima dobru koordinaciju (hodanje, trčanje, skakanje, penjanje)

    Pravilno drži posuđePrijateljski je nastrojeno prema novim ljudima

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      Child's details:




      My Child's Hobbies and Interests

      My Child (tick the box if it appllies):

      Can hold a pencil/pen/scissiorsKnows numbers to 10 (speaking)Has good coordination (walking, running, hopping, climbing)

      Holds utensils properlyIs friendly towards new people

      How did you hear about us?

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